Netsend for Windows systems, including Vista, Windows 7

Examples. The following code example demonstrates how to use the Send method.To run the example, paste the following code in a form called Form1 containing a button called Button1. Ensure the click events are associated with their event-handling methods in this example. The button control's TabIndex property should be set to 0. When the example Msg Command (Examples, Switches, and More) Jul 10, 2020 Net Send command and net send help - LanTalk Note: Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 no longer have net send command. You can try to use msg command instead of net send, but msg.exe is only available in professional and business editions. Our LanTalk LAN messenger is a better choice to replace net send or msg command, because it's flexible and much more powerful.

Server 2008 Net Send or Msg? - Server Fault

WinMessenger - Easy to use WinPopup and Net Send WinMessenger offers complete implementation of the SMB protocol, so with it you can do everything you can with the standard Messenger service, ‘net send’, or WinPopup. For example, you can send a message to a Novell user, receive messages from Linux systems, send and receive messages to/from Windows NT, 2000, 2003, 2008 servers and so on. "Net Send" command into Windows Server 2012 R2 - Server Fault “Net Send” command into Windows Server 2012 R2. Ask Question For example, to send "Hello" to all logged on users of a PC "", enter: msg / * Hello For parameter explanations and examples, refer to the Msg article on MS TechNet.

message Message to send. If none specified, prompts for it or reads from stdin. C:\Users\michael.claridge> MSG.exe replaces Net Send in Windows 7 but isn't avialable for Home Versions. I think you should be able to still send messages via MSG.exe to Windows XP PC's as long as the messenger service is running :) Cheers Michael

NET SEND - Sep 25, 2009 Server 2008 Net Send or Msg? - Server Fault The "Net Send" command was really deprecated in Windows 7/2008, but, there is a better option for this platform. Use a script made to adapt the MSG.EXE command to the old style "NET SEND". It won't work with Windows 2003/XP (Just with Vista/7/2008), but it's simple and effective. Try this out: Script Send-NetMessage - Net Send / Msg.exe Sep 16, 2011