PHP: gethostname - Manual

Reverse DNS Lookup. This tool will provide you the hostname (ie of the IP address that you enter below. What Is a Hostname? (Host Name Definition) May 22, 2020 PHP: gethostname - Manual See Also. gethostbyname() - Get the IPv4 address corresponding to a given Internet host name gethostbyaddr() - Get the Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address php_uname() - Returns information about the operating system PHP is running on How to resolve ip address to hostname with Powershell

How to get hostname from IP (Linux)? - Stack Overflow

Resolving IP Address from hostname with PowerShell - Stack Get IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from hostname in powershell is explained here. Also, you can get the script by clicking Resolve IP address from Hostname in the aforementioned article. share | improve this answer | … Hostname to IP - Best Online Tool | Code Beautify

How to get hostname from IP (Linux)? - Stack Overflow

This Hostname Lookup tool often referred to as hostname lookup does exactly what it looks up the Hostname of the IP Address you enter. A simple, yet very effective tool for getting the host name information you need. Get IP Geolocation service from and C# program to Display Hostname and IP address Jul 25, 2018 Unix command to find IP address from hostname - Linux You can also use 'host' command to find IP address associated with a hostname. Since a hostname can have multiple IP address, its better to use a DNS lookup utillity like host or nslookup. This way you will get all the IP address which that DNS name (hostname) is pointing. Commands like ping will only show one of the IP address mapped to the How to get Networked Computer Name from IP Address on a Mar 13, 2015